British Phycological Society in association with the University of Plymouth

Collecting & Identifying Seaweeds


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Francis Bunker has run MarineSeen successfully for 22 years and has over 30 years practice as a working biologist.

Expertise is offered in marine biology and taxonomy, (with a specialism in seaweeds), desk studies and fieldwork including still and video photography.  

Francis has extensive experience in organising projects and offers an award winning video scripting and editing service.

Full facemask diving on windfarm survey

MarineSeen is registered as a Dive Contractor with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and can offer a fully equipped diving service.  Field teams are recruited from a resource of well-known experienced contractors, including Aquatic Survey and Monitoring Ltd. (ASML) of which he is a director.

Field equipment includes a 4-wheel drive vehicle and workboat, underwater HDV video and still photographic equipment.  

Office facilities include a laboratory with extensive literature and quality microscopes, Apple Mac based digital video editing and PC based GIS capabilities together. Full data analysis and reporting capabilities are offered with statistical analysis services included.